Free Radicals-Definition-Examples


  • What is free radical?
  • What are the general properties of free radicals?
  • Learn some examples of free radicals.

Free Radicals:

Free Radical is defined as an atom or molecules with unpaired electrons. These are highly reactive to other substances and also towards themselves. Due to the presence of unpaired electrons, free radicals have common properties. Every electron pair whether it is bonding or non-bonding have electrons with opposite spin but as free radicals have unpaired electron so they have a single electron with no other electron with opposite spin. Therefore, free radicals are paramagnetic in nature.

General Properties Of Free Radicals:

  • Generally, they have an odd number of electrons.
  • Free radicals are uncharged species.
  • Free radicals are unstable species.
  • Free radicals are highly reactive.
  • Free radicals are short-lived species.
  • Free radicals exist in a limited and specific condition.

Examples Of Free Radicals: 

When a chlorine molecule undergo homolytic cleavage they form chlorine radical

Free radical example


  • Free radicals are atoms, molecules, or ions that are short-lived, neutral species with unpaired electrons.
  • They are reactive, unstable, and paramagnetic in nature. 

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