States of matter-III-Solids-Key Points




1. Amorphous solids:

Those solids in which the structural units i.e. atoms, ions, or molecules are fixed in their position but are not regularly arranged.

2. Anisotropy:

It is the variation of a certain physical property with a change in direction.

3. Covalent crystals:

Those crystals in which the non-metallic atoms are held together in a network of single covalent bonds.

4. Crystal lattice or space lattice:

A particular three-dimensional arrangement of particles i.e. atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystal is called a crystal lattice or space lattice.

5. Crystal:

A three-dimensional shape bounded by plane surfaces that intersect at definite angles with each other.

6. Lattice crystals:

Those crystals in which the oppositely charged ions are held together by an ionic bond.

7. Metallic crystals:

Those crystals in which the metal atoms are held together by metallic bonds.

8. Molecular crystals:

Those crystals in which the molecules are held together by Van der Waal's forces.

9. Unit Cell:

The smallest unit which when repeated in three dimensions can generate the structure of the entire crystal.

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