To find the refractive index of water by using concave mirror.

To find the refractive index of water by using concave mirror.


This experiment aims to determine the refractive index of water by using a concave mirror. By observing the image formed by the concave mirror with and without water, the refractive index of water can be calculated.


The refractive index of a substance is a measure of how much light bends when passing through it. This experiment utilizes a concave mirror to measure the refractive index of water, a common and important property in optics.


  1. Set up a concave mirror in a stand.
  2. Place a light source (such as a candle or LED) in front of the concave mirror.
  3. Position a screen (such as a white sheet of paper) at a suitable distance behind the mirror to observe the image formed by the mirror.
  4. Without water, observe and mark the position of the image formed by the concave mirror on the screen.
  5. Fill a container with water and place it between the concave mirror and the screen.
  6. Observe and mark the position of the new image formed by the concave mirror with water on the screen.

Observations and Calculations

  1. Set up a concave mirror in a stand.

    Observation: The concave mirror is securely placed in the stand.

    Calculation: No calculation required for this step.

  2. Place a light source in front of the concave mirror.

    Observation: A candle or LED light is placed in front of the concave mirror to serve as the object.

    Calculation: No calculation required for this step.

  3. Position a screen behind the mirror to observe the image.

    Observation: A white sheet of paper is placed behind the concave mirror to serve as the screen for observing the image.

    Calculation: No calculation required for this step.

  4. Observe and mark the position of the image without water.

    Observation: The image formed by the concave mirror without water is observed and marked on the screen.

    Calculation: No calculation required during the observation.

  5. Fill a container with water and place it between the mirror and the screen.

    Observation: A container filled with water is placed between the concave mirror and the screen.

    Calculation: No calculation required for this step.

  6. Observe and mark the position of the image with water.

    Observation: The new image formed by the concave mirror with water is observed and marked on the screen.

    Calculation: No calculation required during the observation.

Short Questions with Answers

  1. What is the purpose of using a concave mirror in this experiment?
  2. How does the position of the image change when water is placed in front of the concave mirror?
  3. What property of light does the refractive index measure?
  4. How is the refractive index of water related to the speed of light in water?
  5. What is the significance of marking the position of the image on the screen?
  6. What happens to the image formed by the concave mirror when water is added?
  7. What is the principle behind the formation of images by concave mirrors?
  8. How does the distance between the concave mirror and the screen affect the image?
  9. Why is it important to use a light source with a well-defined shape?
  10. What factors can affect the accuracy of the experiment?
  11. What role does the screen play in this experiment?
  12. How does the refractive index of water compare to that of air?
  13. What precautions should be taken when performing this experiment?
  14. What is the relationship between the refractive index and the angle of refraction?
  15. Why is it necessary to repeat the experiment with and without water?
  16. How does the refractive index of water vary with temperature?
  17. What is the relationship between the focal length of a concave mirror and its radius of curvature?
  18. How does the curvature of the concave mirror affect the formation of images?
  19. What is the role of the container in this experiment?
  20. How can the refractive index of water be used in practical applications?

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

  1. What is the purpose of using a concave mirror in this experiment?
    1. To measure the speed of light in water
    2. To focus light rays
    3. To form images
    4. To determine the refractive index of water
    Answer: D. To determine the refractive index of water
  2. How does the refractive index of water compare to that of air?
    1. It is lower
    2. It is higher
    3. It is the same
    4. It varies depending on temperature
    Answer: B. It is higher
  3. What property of light does the refractive index measure?
    1. Wavelength
    2. Speed
    3. Brightness
    4. Bending
    Answer: D. Bending
  4. What happens to the image formed by the concave mirror when water is added?
    1. It moves closer to the mirror
    2. It moves away from the mirror
    3. It becomes larger
    4. It becomes smaller
    Answer: B. It moves away from the mirror
  5. Why is it necessary to repeat the experiment with and without water?
    1. To compare the images formed
    2. To ensure accuracy
    3. To observe the effect of temperature
    4. To determine the speed of light in air
    Answer: A. To compare the images formed

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