To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOT, NOR and NAND gates


To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOT, NOR and NAND gates


This experiment aims to verify the truth tables of basic logic gates including OR, AND, NOT, NOR, and NAND gates. The experiment involves constructing circuits for each gate, applying different input combinations, and observing the output to validate the expected truth table outputs.


Logic gates are fundamental building blocks of digital circuits, performing logical operations on one or more binary inputs and producing a single binary output. The experiment focuses on understanding and verifying the behavior of five basic logic gates:

  • OR Gate: Produces a high output (1) if one or both of its inputs are high (1).
  • AND Gate: Produces a high output (1) only if all its inputs are high (1).
  • NOT Gate: Inverts the input; produces high output (1) if input is low (0), and vice versa.
  • NOR Gate: Produces a low output (0) only if both its inputs are high (1).
  • NAND Gate: Produces a low output (0) if all its inputs are high (1).

Experiment Details:


  1. Construct the circuit for each logic gate using appropriate components.
  2. Set up the input switches and LED output indicators.
  3. Apply different combinations of input values (0 and 1) to the gates.
  4. Observe and record the output for each input combination.

Observations and Calculations:

Truth Tables for Logic Gates
Inputs Output (OR) Output (AND) Output (NOT) Output (NOR) Output (NAND)
0, 0 0 0 1 1 1
0, 1 1 0 1 0 1
1, 0 1 0 0 0 1
1, 1 1 1 0 0 0


The experiment successfully verified the truth tables of OR, AND, NOT, NOR, and NAND gates. It demonstrated how these gates perform logical operations on binary inputs, essential for designing digital circuits.


  • Ensure proper connections and component orientation while constructing circuits.
  • Handle electronic components with care to avoid damage.
  • Verify input and output connections before applying power.
  • Double-check the truth table outputs against expected results to ensure accuracy.

Short Questions with Answers:

  1. What is the primary function of logic gates?
  2. Answer: Logic gates perform logical operations on binary inputs to produce a single binary output.

  3. Define the truth table of an OR gate.
  4. Answer: The truth table of an OR gate shows that the output is high (1) if at least one input is high (1).

  5. Explain the behavior of an AND gate.
  6. Answer: An AND gate produces a high output (1) only if all its inputs are high (1).

  7. What is the purpose of a NOT gate?
  8. Answer: A NOT gate inverts the input; it produces a high output (1) if the input is low (0), and vice versa.

  9. How does a NOR gate differ from an OR gate?
  10. Answer: A NOR gate produces a low output (0) only if both inputs are high (1), while an OR gate produces a high output (1) if at least one input is high.

  11. Explain the functionality of a NAND gate.
  12. Answer: A NAND gate produces a low output (0) only if all its inputs are high (1); otherwise, it produces a high output.

  13. What happens when both inputs of an XOR gate are high?
  14. Answer: The output of an XOR gate is low (0) when both inputs are high (1).

  15. Define the function of an XNOR gate.
  16. Answer: An XNOR gate produces a high output (1) if both inputs are the same (either both high or both low).

  17. Explain the operation of a half adder.
  18. Answer: A half adder adds two single-digit binary numbers and produces the sum and carry outputs.

  19. What is the significance of a full adder in digital circuits?
  20. Answer: A full adder adds two binary numbers along with a carry input, producing the sum and carry outputs.

  21. Describe the behavior of a multiplexer.
  22. Answer: A multiplexer selects one of several input signals and forwards it to a single output line based on the value of control signals.

  23. What is the purpose of a decoder in digital electronics?
  24. Answer: A decoder converts a binary code into a set of mutually exclusive outputs, enabling the selection of a specific output line based on the input code.

  25. Explain the functionality of a flip-flop.
  26. Answer: A flip-flop is a sequential circuit element that stores binary information in the form of a state. It can change its state based on clock signals.

  27. Define the term "combinational logic."
  28. Answer: Combinational logic refers to digital circuits where the output is solely determined by the current input values, without considering previous inputs or the circuit's state.

  29. What is the role of a counter in digital systems?
  30. Answer: A counter is a sequential circuit that counts the number of clock pulses and produces a corresponding binary output.

  31. Describe the operation of a shift register.
  32. Answer: A shift register is a sequential circuit that stores and shifts binary data serially, either left or right, based on clock signals.

  33. Explain the concept of logic families in digital electronics.
  34. Answer: Logic families are groups of electronic logic circuits sharing similar characteristics, such as voltage levels, speed, power consumption, and noise immunity.

  35. What is the significance of Boolean algebra in digital circuit design?
  36. Answer: Boolean algebra provides a mathematical framework for analyzing and simplifying digital logic circuits, enabling efficient design and optimization.

  37. Define the term "gating signal."
  38. Answer: A gating signal is a control signal used to enable or disable the operation of a digital circuit component.

  39. Explain the concept of fan-out in digital electronics.
  40. Answer: Fan-out refers to the maximum number of standard logic gates that can be connected to the output of a logic gate without degrading its performance.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. Which gate produces a low output only if all its inputs are high?
    • a) OR gate
    • b) AND gate
    • c) NOT gate
    • d) NAND gate

    Answer: d) NAND gate

  2. What is the output of a NOR gate if both inputs are high?
    • a) 0
    • b) 1
    • c) Depends on other inputs
    • d) Cannot be determined

    Answer: a) 0

  3. Which gate inverts the input?
    • a) OR gate
    • b) AND gate
    • c) NOT gate
    • d) NAND gate

    Answer: c) NOT gate

  4. What is the output of an AND gate for input combination (1, 0)?
    • a) 0
    • b) 1
    • c) Depends on other inputs
    • d) Cannot be determined

    Answer: a) 0

  5. Which gate produces a high output if one or both inputs are high?
    • a) OR gate
    • b) AND gate
    • c) NOR gate
    • d) NAND gate

    Answer: a) OR gate

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