Biology Grade 10 MCQs Chapter 14

Multiple-choice questions from Chapter 14. Each question is designed to test your understanding of key concepts. The correct answers are provided below each question. Let's begin!

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the primary function of the testes in male rabbits?

2. How long is the gestation period for rabbits, approximately?

11. Rhizopus reproduces asexually through:

12. Where are spores produced in Rhizopus?

13. Saccharomyces cerevisiae reproduces asexually by:

14. What is the function of the endosperm in a seed?

15. What is the term for the fertilized egg in animals?

16. What is the name for baby rabbits?

17. What is the function of the fallopian tubes in rabbits?

18. Which of these is a sexually transmitted disease?

19. What does HIV attack in the human body?

20. What is a ripened ovary containing seeds called?

21. What is the function of the petals in a flower?

22. What is the difference between a haploid and diploid cell?

23. What is the function of the carpel?

24. Which agent of pollination is most common for plants with small, lightweight pollen?

25. What is the function of the synergids?

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