Biology Grade 10 MCQs Chapter 16

 Multiple-choice questions from Chapter 16. Each question is designed to test your understanding of key concepts. The correct answers are provided below each question. Let's begin!

Environmental Science MCQs

1. What is water pollution?

2. Which of the following is a cause of water pollution?

3. What is eutrophication?

4. What is the process of converting nitrogen gas into ammonia called?

5. Which bacteria convert ammonia into nitrite and nitrate?

6. What is urbanization?

7. Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

8. What does a pyramid of biomass represent?

9. What is a parasitic plant?

10. What is a mutualistic relationship?

Environmental Science MCQs

1. What is air pollution?

2. Which of the following is a cause of air pollution?

3. What is smog?

4. What is the ozone layer?

5. What is competition?

6. What is a biome?

7. What is a food web?

8. What do arrows in a food web show?

9. What are the four R's of waste management?

10. What does "reduce" mean in waste management?

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